This LOW COST program was built JUST for you at a cost you can afford.
Why? We already know….. Cashflow is still a struggle too, right?
For $99 a month or $250 one time you get 3 months access to The Business Booster guided by CEO AF Coach, multi business owner, and Pastor Jonathan Fail.
After the pandemic Jonathan told his wife she didn’t have to go back to teaching and decided to BURN THE SHIPS on the things holding him back from scaling his company.
He partnered with
(Like you are now!) and built out the Pilars of the company one by one. He created a culture around solid core values, structured a team that runs while he’s at Disney World or camping with the family, AND was able to buy his time back so he can GIVE BACK.
By guiding you through the same process now
By stepping into a full time role as Pastor of his church in Mississippi
Hanging with our tribe it won’t be long until you’re seeing things a little bigger.
The truth is, this is bigger than you.
Your impact is needed in the world. And to create space for that, we need business’ that can operate and provide security for those we love….
And while we are always running and leading the mission inside of our companies, we are also for fronting change in the world and give back to our community.
As entrepreneurs that’s we actually are. Movers and Shakers that came here to create the change we want to see in the world.
With the CEO AF BUSINESS BOOSTER we set the foundation to your LIFE BY DESIGN.